Terrorism: Its Past, Present & Future Study - A Special Issue to Commemorate CSTPV at 25


  • Gillian Brunton CSTPV/University of St Andrews
  • Tim Wilson University of St Andrews




CSTPV, Terrorism,


The Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St Andrews (CSTPV) was founded in August 1994 and with it an enduring scholarly tradition that continues to evolve. Indeed, it was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the CSTPV’s foundation that leading academics gathered in St Andrews on 7-8th November 2019 to debate the past, present and future study of terrorism. This special edition of CVIR seeks to capture the general effervescence of that symposium. Its format has been deliberately cast as an academic conversation in print. Short versions of original papers given at the symposium are reproduced: but each paper is, in turn, commented upon by another esteemed contributor. Thus the whole special issue tries to retain a little of the quality of lively debate and interchange of opinion that marked the original gathering.


