Unravelling the threads of war and conflict: introduction


  • Lydia C. Cole University of York
  • Laura Mills University of St Andrews




Textiles, War, Conflict, Exhibitions, Making, Art


This article introduces the Special Issue 'Unravelling the threads of war and conflict'. We offer a careful curation of three threads of conversation generated from the exhibition Threads, war and conflict and its associated programme: 'Reflections on curating, exhibiting and making'; 'Layers of war and conflict: sightings and soundings'; and 'Conversations and collaborations, stories and solidarities'. Beginning from the context of the exhibition, the threads of conversation unravel (across) a variety of intricate sites and intimate experiences of war and conflict.

Author Biographies

Lydia C. Cole, University of York

Lydia is an Associate Lecturer at the University of York. Her most recent research has engaged with arts and global politics, with a focus on grassroots arts for change in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2019, she was Associate Lecturer at the University of St Andrews, where she commissioned and co-curated Threads, war and conflict, as well as coordinated its associated events programme. The exhibition featured arpilleras and textile banners from the Conflict Textiles collection.

Laura Mills, University of St Andrews

Laura Mills is a Lecturer in International Relations at the University of St Andrews. She was a member of the Threads, war and conflict curatorial team, including staff co-lead of the Master’s student workshops resulting in a collective textile for the Conflict Textiles collection. Her research explores how everyday life and culture are co-constitutive of global politics through examinations of cultural diplomacy, war, militarism, security, aesthetics and creative methods. Her first monograph, Post-9/11 US cultural diplomacy: the impossibility of cosmopolitanism, is forthcoming with Routledge New International Relations Series.


