Ian Taylor: a critical voice of the Liberal Peace Project in Africa


  • Patrick Tom Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield




Ian Taylor, Liberal Peace Project, Africa, Sierra Leone


This article discusses the contributions of Ian Taylor in debates over the Liberal Peace Project in Africa showing how this has shaped my understanding of the challenges of its application in the continent. It also highlights my interaction with him during our fieldwork on 'Tensions and contradictions of the Liberal Peace Project' in Liberia in 2009. Finally, it briefly looks at how Taylor’s wider scholarship on Africa has advanced and will likely continue to influence scholarly debates in the future.

Author Biography

Patrick Tom, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield

Patrick Tom is a University Teacher in International Relations at the University of Sheffield, an Assistant Editor for the Peacebuilding journal and a Senior Fellow at the Third Generation Project, University of St Andrews. He earned his PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews, where he was co-supervised by Professor Ian Taylor (2008–2011). Patrick has conducted consultancy work with international organisations, including UNESCO and Arigatou International, as well as Education Scotland on a project building racial literacy. Patrick has published widely in the area of Peace and Conflict Studies, all with a regional focus on Africa.


